Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ang got her heart rate down to 100 today.   This is great!  It has not been below 128 since we arrived! ! !   Another milestone.

She still is not coughing as much as we would like but everyone is watching her and helping suction out her mouth.   Sitting up makes it a bit better but drops her chin forward which is still not as stable as we want.   

They started physical therapy on her left arm today and she showed no discomfort when they raised it up over her head - meaning the shoulder is not stiff - she also tolerated the extension of all of her fingers.  We got some wincing and resistance when closing some of the fingers into a fist but the therapist said it was a start.   The PT therapist even let me do it which makes me feel useful!! ! !

Ang got her hair washed and braided and her toenails painted.   The nurses do all kinds of things to keep up the spirits of the family members.   Josh grinned when he saw her feet! ! 

We have had EXCEPTIONAL care from the ICU staff.... doctors, nurses, aides, housecleaning, supply stocking, etc. etc.   May you never have to use their services but if you do, they are wonderful.

More tomorrow.
