Thursday, September 3, 2009

Funny how sometimes the prayers you ask for are not really the ones you need.  Ang did not pass the swallow test again today.   Instead she passed a much, much more important test and provided faith, hope, and sustenance to her husband.... but, I get ahead of myself.

Not much happened after the quiet night.   I just assumed she would be raring to go and conquer new heights...instead she just kind of lazed around all morning and into the afternoon.   She would focus and then sleep and then focus and sleep numerous times in ten minutes.   We would dream up a fun game of tic-tac-toe and she would grab the pen, position it correctly in her hand, and promptly fall asleep.   Sigh....

Long about 3pm they wheeled in the cardiac chair and sat her up.   This is a great thing for Ang because it forces her to tighten her tummy muscles in preparation for sitting up on her own.   She did indeed liven up a bit so we decided to try swallowing.   She was taking small sips of water - 7 in 15 minutes when the speech pathologist lady came in.   She assessed what we were doing and noticed that Ang seemed to have trouble swallowing still so she decided to focus more on sounds.   She was encouraging her to do ma ma ma, da da da, Bob, Mom, Pip, Pup, ... all sounds you make with just your lips in the front of your mouth.   Ang was taking it all in but not doing a lot with it.   Joyce asked her is she could say Uh huh?  and Unh Unh? and she could.   Josh had set up a Yes / No board for her and she could point to Yes or No for more water so the speech lady encouraged us to mix up the thumbs up / down with the speech vocalization and the Yes/No board.   We got encouragement and education on how to make progress during the day with more vocalizations and how Ang is not connecting her mouth to the sounds quite yet.   

Then, the speech lady shows Ang how to make the 'ooo' sound.   She shows Ang how to blow a kiss.   She teases Ang that she wants to learn to kiss to keep Josh interested because Josh is such a great guy.   Ang just observes and stays pretty reticent.   OK... all is well...we have our assignments and the speech lady leaves.

Lucy and I are talking (and not really watching ...well, maybe watching) and Josh and Ang are sharing a moment.  He rubs her shoulder and she puts her arm up and starts to rub his shoulder.   He is grinning at her and she slides that arm around to the front of his shirt and jerks him in for a kiss.   A real live kiss....   (remember, Lucy and I weren't really watching).    We were all laughing and crying and Ang just kind of sits there with her half grin and her one and half eyes open looking rather pleased with herself.  

Certainly raised Josh's spirits clear out of this world.   It was ever so delightful and very, very special.   Those two are made for each other and that warms a mother's heart clear to the core.

On another note:  when Ang was newly born her Aunt Annette gave her a stuffed pink mouse.   Mousey became a fast fixture in Angela's life.   Mousey went everywhere with Ang.   Mousey was washed and repaired a million and one times but kept together with love and stitches.  Mousey was in Angela's high school graduation picture.   Mousey went to college.   When this horrible accident happened, Aunt Marian said Ang needed Mousey so Josh brought Mousey in to the hospital.   Tonight, he took it out of the closet and showed it to her.   She grabbed it and immediately placed it right on her chest.   Mousey is where Mousey belongs.... thanks, to the aunties! ! !

Well, we still look forward to passing the swallowing test and we thank you for your prayers to that end.

