Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tonight we asked Ang if there was anything that she wanted us to post for her on the caring bridge site.  She asked that we add the following:

  • My neighbor is very loud and annoying. (She screams constantly)
  • Please pray for the pain to go away in my elbow and back because I hurt a lot.
  • Please pray for the “pins and needles” to go away in my face.
  • I miss my kitties and church
My wife is amazing!

I think that I am going to be asking her to do this more.  After all, this site belongs to her, not us.

Ang had a very restful night.  She slept at least 8 hours, which I believe might be a record.  We gave her some Lidoderm patches for her back and arm (Like what the dentist would give you when you get a filling.)  They seemed to do the trick.  Hope they work again tonight.  She woke up many times but fell back to sleep quickly.  She was also extremely calm during her acupuncture session today.  She had a couple of times where she wanted to stop, but like OT the day before she realized it was for her benefit and told our friend to keep going.

She is getting more in tune with social norms or what is generally acceptable in a social environment.  She has become quick to apologize when she realizes that she might be doing something that isn’t quite acceptable.  She even asked about a couple of things and listened when I told her that most people probably wouldn’t do that.

Ang asked for a cup of tea today.  Might seem small, but this is a huge step forward.  Until now she has been given choices based on things that are available.  Today she wanted tea and she asked for it.  AWESOME!

Her speech therapy session this morning went extremely well.  I think she really surprised the guy.  She went through about 4 pages of cognitive evaluation questions and got the vast majority of them correct.  I don’t think that the ST thought she would be able to focus for 30 minutes plus, let alone ace the questions that he had for her.  She gave the most beautiful definition of the word “gracious”.  She has about 10 more pages to go through but I am sure she will do great.  The sleep really pays off!

Ang has her follow-up appointment tomorrow at Harborview for her hip and arm.  Please be in prayer that all goes well and that Ang does not get over-stimulated.  It is going to be a big day.

Ang and I do something that we call a “finger hug”.  It is simply touching the tips of your index fingers together.  We do it when we sit across from each other out at dinner or in the car, etc.  Tonight when I was leaving she gave me one out of the blue!  

She is finding herself again, but it is SO hard to be patient!

Love you, Meow.

Much love to all-
