Monday, October 26, 2009

Ang did great today.   Tired!  but great!

This morning's PT was strength training and this afternoon was stairs.   We went out into the stairwell and she went down and up putting each foot on the same stair.   Got back to the top and we "high fived" for making goal 1 - do a full flight of stairs "the easy way"....  Angela looked at her PT therapist and said, "let's go for goal 2 - a full flight of stairs with feet on alternating steps....  Whew, it was hard but SHE DID IT! ! !  with only minimal help.

OT helped with a shower and Angela did the whole thing on her own....   Josh and I are adjusting to sitting on her hands more and doing more cheering instead of actively assisting and helping Ang more.   Tough transition  but sooooo rewarding.

Recreational therapy got Angela outside today with a promise to walk outside later this week.

Speech therapy had Ang doing some visual assessments of four block pictures.  The goal was to pick the picture that doesn't belong and sometimes she picked up the outstanding picture before I could even check out the four pictures.   Thankfully sometimes I could find the different one faster than Ang.

We have a gorgeous view of the Smith Tower and can look across to Alki so the room really is nice.   

We have lots to be thankful for and can say even more prayers of joy and thanksgiving.  We thank you for joining us in these prayers.

