Saturday, October 24, 2009

Angela says, "today was filled with therapy sessions."   We had six sessions between 8:15 and 4:00pm.   Ang passed the hearing test, she made change, she walked, climbed stairs, did squats, showered on her own, made a clock with the correct time, identified 30 pictures of items from accordions to latches and generally scored a perfect score (minus the deduction for being a college graduate).

It was a most busy day.

The awesome news is that after Bill massaged her arm and fingers, Ang moved each finger on her left hand individually! ! !  Did we do a dance????   Yes we did! ! ! 

In fact, each one was done twice to confirm scientifically that Ang was able to move them.   I laughed out loud when she said it had to be done twice for scientific reasons.

We still have a long way to go on this left arm but every moment of progress is appreciated and thanked.   

We are settling in and adapting to the new rules, new procedures, new schedules, etc.   It is a fairly easy transition.....much easier than moving your child into a nursing home.

For some reason the people here got the impression that Angela was a Ph.D.  so it has been fun to answer some of the questions that we get asked from head nurses, supervising doctors, etc.   We did post the picture from Amgen of Angela with the bio-reactor.   That helps people get an impression of where Angela came from and where she is looking forward to returning.  Thanks, Amgen!

Well, that's it for tonite.
