Thursday, October 22, 2009

What a blessing today was.  I am SO thankful to have spent my third anniversary with my beautiful wife.  Breakfast was wonderful.  Ang cooked Danish bacon from Husky Deli and made waffles. Two of my weaknesses..  She has a servants heart and I love her so much.  I was just happy to be sitting with my best friend, enjoying her company, and knowing that God has everything under control.  She was very pleased!  I think it was the best breakfast that I have ever had.  I had promised her a “Snuggie”, one of those crazy blankets with arms that you see on t.v. before the accident.  She got her mom one and loved it despite its infomercial appeal.  She got her snuggie today and she loved it. 

We got everything loaded up and Ang and the staff at Park West said there farewells.  They all want her to come back to visit after she has finished up at Harborview.  I think they might be motivated by promises of Ang’s famous pasta sauce upon our return.  The drive went well.  Ang is no longer getting car sick.  She took the time to take a little nap before we hit the ground running back where it all started on 8/18/09.  I remember touring the rehab facility with the admissions coordinator while Ang was still on the fifth floor at Harborview and praying that God would heal my wife and that she would be able to return for their intensive rehab program.  It is not a very easy program to be admitted to and people come from all around the country.  God has been so faithful during this time and we continue to see His grace poured out on my wife, our family, and our friends every single day. 

Before we left the parking lot to enter Harborview we said our prayers and we went to the admitting office.  Ang took care of all of the paperwork and made sure that the administrator made copies of everything for me.  Ang said, “My husband will want to know what I am signing.”  After the admitting process was complete we headed up to the fourth floor of the West wing to the rehab center. We were pleased to find out that Ang was going to have her own room.  It is HUGE!  It wasn’t quite ready yet so we waited in a shared room with a wonderful woman who had been in a severe car accident.  She shared her story and then prayed for my wife.  Once we got to Ang’s room the first thing she asked was if I thought it was big enough to host community group in!  I knew that Ang would be okay weeks ago when Jesus was the first thing that she remembered.

Ang was greeted by one of the rehab doctors that went through the standard barrage of reflex testing, etc.  She also did a quick cognitive evaluation, which Angela aced. (No surprise to us!)

After all of the formalities were dealt with the day was relatively lazy.  Teresa and I brought a few loads of stuff up from the car to make the room feel more cozy.

Ang’s new digs:

West Wing, 4th Floor, Rm# 460

We are not sure what tomorrow will look like, but we are all looking forward to meeting the folks that will be working with Ang.  They are already talking about starting her sessions on Saturday.  We are supposed to have a meeting that will determine how long Ang might need to stay at the rehab center.  We were initially told that 3 weeks was the standard, but perhaps we will be there longer?  We’ll have to wait and see.  Not sure what visiting hours are or what her schedule will look like so we will keep everyone posted via the blog.

So far so good-  AND PRAISE JESUS!!!!
