Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bummer, PJ day was only relaxing for one of us - ME. It started out great. We went out for pho around 12:30 but when we got home things went a little awry. First we went over the checkbook which hasn't been balanced since before my accident. Great for me - still relaxed, Josh - not so much. Then we attacked paying bills. Again, ok for me - stressful for Josh. Oh well - I had a great day!

Next day we went to Angelo's to celebrate Josh's dad's birthday. I ate like a pig! A side salad, almost a whole small pizza, and dessert. Delish! It was really nice to visit too. Josh's step-mom joked around with me about all the things we can blame on my TBI. Too funny!

Yesterday was a productive day. We got a new resting hand splint for me with my OT. And then we loafed on the couch, ate pizza, and watched a movie. Apparently I had already seen it but it was like new all over again. I guess that's one of the perks of my accident. Old movies seeming all new again - who knew?!

Today has been alright. Got to go for a long walk in the sun to the post office with my OT today. Then Josh and I laid down for a bit and had lunch with Josh's mom. Yum! Chili.

That's all for now.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Ang,
    I learned about your accident from the West Seattle Blog and just finished reading the entire archive. It sounds like you're recovering and wondering about the future. I like to listen to the lyrics to The Grateful Dead's "Ripple". No answers there, but possibly an explanation? I don't know if it conflicts with your beliefs. Hope not.
