Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm doing great! The last 2 days have been really good - busy but good. My poor OT agreed to take me to work and her normally hour and a half appointment grew into a nearly four hour appointment yesterday. We rode the bus down to Amgen and I got to say hi to a ton of people. We even got to go to the gym and Liz told Dan all about what I need to work on when I get back. And I did the whole trip with just my new pink cane! What a success!!!

Then today I did PT, went to the pool, then did OT! Whew - tiring to say the least! In PT I did lots of balance work and I got to go in the loft. Wow - another success! I'm definitely making progress. Then I went to the pool with just my cane and the lady at the desk even noticed I was there with no walker. I even swam the whole length of the pool today on my back! Another big success! Yeah!

All in all I'm doing pretty well right now. Being able to get around with just the cane has been a great reminder for me that God is not done healing me yet. I can't wait to see how far I'm going to go.

Tomorrow is a huge day. I have a musculo-skeletal (TBI) and orthopedic check-up at Harborview in the morning. I'm hoping to get approved for weight-bearing in my left arm. We'll see. And the plan right now is to go get my nose re-pierced after my doctor's appointments so that's good news. I'll finally look like myself again.

Hope all is well with you,



  1. Hey Angela,
    Its good to read your post today, you have really been on my mind. I just wanted you to know that the 20th will have been 4 week since a little wax o rama. Do you need me to come by or do you want to wait a bit? Hope to see you soon.

  2. Hi Angela,
    I'm so sorry that I didn't manage to see you at Amgen yesterday! No wonder there was a good vibe in the building again. :-) It's wonderful to hear about all of your continued amazing leaps and bounds. The pink cane sounds pretty awesome too. We'll have to come bug you again soon.
    Take care,

  3. Hi Angela,
    i'm sending you my adoration and respect, and Congratulations! on all of your accomplishments. You are an amazing human! i look forward to seeing you one of these days. i wish you all the best always.
    jackie humes (an "old" ZymoPal from the Jody Daze)

  4. Hi Angela!

    I am so sorry I missed you at Amgen yesterday. I would love to have seen you and hear your laugh:) I admire you for all your hard work. You're truly amazing!!!


  5. I am so thankful to hear of your progress! It is amazing what you can do with the Lord!! Many prayers keep going your way, knowing that eachday you keep improving. You are a strong, courageous woman and I so proud of you. I look forward to seeing you again soon. We love you.

