Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lots to show and tell.

Yesterday I went to the dentist in the morning and found out that - as though I didn't get hurt bad enough - I need a root canal because there is nerve damage in my mouth. At least it's only one tooth. It was sort of crazy because one of the plates in my face showed up in the x-rays of my teeth. Check it out - and look closely for the little 3mm screws.
Wild, huh?!?!

After the dentist I had occupational therapy where I got my Dynasplint. It's supposed to help straighten my arm. I was supposed to wear it for 45 minutes but I could only handle 30. Wow - did that hurt!

Today has been really nice so far. Josh has a head cold so we are just laying low. I was able to wear my Dynasplint for the full 45 minutes today but it was pretty sore. Tomorrow we'll try an hour - phew. My article also came out in the Times today. We are pretty happy with it. Here's a link:

Looks like we've got a relaxing weekend ahead. Hopefully Josh'll be able to get healthy. Then Tuesday it's time for my concert already. Wow!

Hope to see you there,


1 comment:

  1. Your xray picture is cool. Thanks for sharing. And... we liked your article too. Way to go!

