Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thanks so much for keeping up. Can't imagine how lonely this would be if I had to do it alone. As if it's not hard enough. My heart just breaks for anyone else who's had to do this. Especially without incredible support! Can't even imagine it! And so thankful I don't have to! You guys really keep me going sometimes. You and Jesus. Good gracious, I can't even imagine doing this without God. He's carried me through much of it. And I mean much! How blessed I am!

It was kind of wild though - as I was sitting in church on Sunday I was totally convicted. Mark was preaching about how we all have to wage war with the enemy and I just haven't been doing that good of a job at it. For all big things I have been and remain 100% Jesus. But I am also my biggest critic and do a pretty good job of beating myself up pretty much daily. I just never thought of it before as giving Satan a foothold with my negative self-talk. But I guess that's what it is. I need to be thanking Jesus for all that He has given me and done for me every time I want to criticize myself or where I'm at. So that's my new plan. God knows I'll need prayer to stick to it. So that's where you come in. And gently - or not so gently - kick me in the butt if you hear me getting down on myself. Thanks. Much appreciated.

Boy, I sure count on all of you a lot. Sure am glad you're willing to team up with me on this whole healing process. Thanks.

Let's see - anything else. Well, I had a whole new set of successes on Monday. I spent my first day home alone all day. Pretty big deal. And I even walked over and went to the gym solo. And I didn't fall or get run over by a car (again) or even hurt myself in any way. It was a pretty big success. And boy did it feel good. Made me feel like I just might get back to being independent at some point. Pretty cool. At least a glimmer of hope. Although I also discovered staying home alone is not my favorite. I like it a lot better when Mom or Josh is here with me. Then at least I have someone to talk to. And laugh with.

Made a little more progress on the acupuncture front too. Now both sides of middle finger and one side of my ring finger on my left hand have feeling. Thank you, Abby. No small feat!

I think that is about all for now. I'll post again tomorrow with some scary pictures of when I first got in the accident to mark my 6 months. Whew - I can't believe how far I've come!!!

Talk to you tomorrow.



  1. A trip to the gym on your own - that is a huge accomplishment both physically and mentally! You should be proud of yourself Angela!!

  2. I'm there for you sista! Anytime I hear anything slightly self-depreciating I'll throw a bible at you! I'll keep a bag of them on me, just in case. :-) But mostly, I'll be praying with you to shut those doors to the enemy (for me too). GOD IS GOOD!
