Thursday, March 4, 2010


Boy do I have some big news! And I mean big!!! Had my ortho checkup today and they are going to take most if not all of the metal out of my arm! I got to schedule my surgery for March 19th. Woo hoo! Never thought I'd be so happy to go in for surgery. And it's soon! Yesssss!

Thanks for posting questions. Here's my best shot at answering them...

- cooking is going. Not back to where I was yet but on my way. I made white chicken chili and flourless chocolate cake this week. Yum! Definitely a step up from the Hamburger Helper I made last week. Only thing on the docket is caramel corn for the outpatient check in ladies. That is coming next week.

- let's see, I think it was just mostly me that was scared of the doctor this week. I don't really like going to appointments that make me realize how hurt I really am and give me a glimpse of how far I still have to go. And I didn't really want to get my hopes up in case the doctors just said I was SOL. Never fun to get shot down. I think I just mostly don't like going into a situation where I might get my bubble bursted about where I'm at. I have SUPER high expectations of myself and if docs tell you that you're way off base you kinda have to listen. Again, no fun. Mostly it just takes me a lot of self-talk to try to deal with it. Generally I just try to come up with the worst possible situation and try to convince myself that I will still love me even if that happens. Then I feel prepared for the worst and like I can handle anything that comes that isn't that bad. Weird? Yeah. But it's what I got.

- I do lots to laugh and have fun. Really I don't take anything too seriously. I spend lots of time laughing. And no shortage of that time is spent laughing at myself. Plus hanging with Mom really helps. We are constantly cracking each other up. What was funny today? Well, there was a man with a heinous yellow cowboy hat made of felt at the ortho clinic. Josh and I had a good time laughing at that. And of course there's always the cats to do something stupid or blame something on. Now that's funny. Especially when you can blame a toot on them. :) He he.

- My favorite food if Danish bacon didn't exist is definitely garlic bread. Especially if it has my meat sauce on it. Oh yeah, the wappy joe! Although pizza and Redline waffle fries are close seconds. And yes, I do find the pictures of me in the hospital encouraging because they really do show how far I've come. Boy, I was messed up and I'm A TON better now. This has been no small journey! I think the ones that are nearly the most helpful are the ones of me when I first opened my eyes. I look super hollow and nothing like myself. Talk about coming a long ways. I look nothing like that any more. And some people stay looking like that the rest of their lives.

- It is fun to watch the movies I don't remember. No deja vu moments yet but who knows what's to come. It is like getting to watch a whole new movie just one that I already know for sure I'm going to like.

- As for the book club I don't think I have the time. Plus I feel like if I'm reading it ought to be the bible. Do you want to do chapters of the bible? I'd be up for that. Just let me know.

- I have not caramelized bacon. Although I hear it's really good. And I can't imagine it's too difficult. Just lots of brown sugar and then bake it. Sounds good to me. No foods bringing back memories yet. But comfort foods like pasta and warm cookies are still comforting.

- me and Josh's mom are on good terms. Both his birth mom and his step-mom and I are friends. Nice, that's for sure. We don't hang out that much so that's probably why you don't hear about her very much. Whereas I spend 5 days a week with my mom so that's why you hear about her a lot. That and she is just plain awesome so there's always a good story to tell. Josh's mom and step-mom are both pretty darn fine people too. Really sweet and pretty darn nice. Just not around as much.

Well that takes care of it. Feel free to post questions as you have them and I'll try to answer them.




  1. Angela, I don't know you, but I find your story incredibly inspiring. I've been following your blog since soon after Pastor Mark mentioned you in his sermon some months back. It is so amazing that you have come so far after such a tragic accident. Thank you so much for continuing to share your struggles and your successes. It is unfortunate that you've had to go through so much pain, but you are living evidence of God's grace. Thanks again. Best wishes and continued blessings for you in your recovery.

  2. Wow Ang. That's HUGE! I can't even fathom how excited you must be to get that stuff out... although I'm sure you'll miss freaking people out showing them where the bolts are about to pop through the skin.

    Remembering you both in prayer every day.

  3. You are so awesome. I love how you answer those questions. I feel bummed that you feel like those doctors are shooting down your progress sometimes. I guess that's their job though. And maybe if they didn't, you would realize how much better you can get if you keep working at it. :-)

    PS. Hef has really stinky toots. Do you ever smell them up there?


  4. Great to hear that you'll be getting some metal out. I know you will not miss it!!

    I would be interested to know what book you are reading Bible-wise. We could talk share what it says to us via the blog or via email.


  5. do you think they'll give you your metal arm to keep in a glass case like terminator?!! Let's get sometime together to pray for that upcoming surgery!
