Sunday, April 11, 2010


Had a good and rough morning all wrapped up into one. And got a check on my perspective. Went to church this morning and listened to a great sermon. The preaching pastor gave 11 tips on how to be a good and gospel centered leader. The one that hit home most for me was the one that hurt comes before fruit. Pretty much that God is good enough and big enough that He takes even that which was meant for evil and uses it for good. After all He took Jesus being betrayed by Judas Iscariot and used it for the ultimate conquer of Satan, sin, and death.

And He slow pitched this to me in my particular current situation this morning. He had this young guy at church come up and talk to me and Josh. I've noticed this guy the past few weeks; he looked new. But I've never talked to him or him to me. Then this morning he walked up to Josh and handed him a note. The note was a little thank you to both of us for sharing our story. He said our story really helped him meet and give his life to Jesus. WOW!!! And he said he just got baptized and now he's plugging along. Holy cow!!! Then he came up and shook my hand and told me that he was at my concert. He said that when I said at the concert if even just one person came to know Christ this whole thing was worth it, that person was him! A little while ago I also got feedback from another friend that her dad started coming to church after hearing about my accident and even started taking communion. Awesome! Now that is fruit! What good news!

And I was standing at home this morning in front of the mirror having a little pity party for myself because the left side of my face doesn't move as much as the right when I talk. I felt like I looked like a stroke victim. And then this amazing news at church. And I was snapped back into reality where I realized even if my face is never the same again that is only a small price to pay for the goodness that Jesus is working out of this whole accident situation. I know I'll be back to 100% once I get my heavenly body and now these people have a heavenly body waiting for them too! That is awesome! People are coming to know God through my situation! Praise Jesus! Isn't that amazing?!?! What a good and gracious God we have!

And through it all He has never just left me to figure it out. He has been by my side through this whole thing. And He's been loving and caring for me the whole time. And Josh too! He's been so good to us we can't even express it. And he's been using some of you as his tools to bless us since the day I got hurt. Wow! Thanks for being there! What y'all have been doing for us is no small thing. You've been instruments of God's grace. Even if you haven't known it.

Thanks for hanging in there. And God bless.



  1. Ang, that is such good news!! Praise God for the people being impacted by your story and life. What a true blessing to get to see that fruit! Amen!
    Kim W.

  2. Thank you Jesus!! Your Work and Your Glory.

  3. tears. tears of joy Angela. That's all I have for you. and they are running down my face. the taste of grace.
