Sunday, May 30, 2010


Wowza! God just did a number on me! And I mean A NUMBER!!! We just got home from church and Mark preached through the tail end of Luke 7 about the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears. Holy toledo! It was like Jesus just peeled some scales from over my eyes. He revealed to me that this accident has just been Him doing His thing yet again in my life. He has pieced my body back together like he pieced my soul back together when I first met Him.

When I first came to Christ a number of years ago the hardest part for me was wrestling through my past. I just didn't get how any God could ever love me when I had done so much bad stuff and had so much bad stuff done to me. I was dirty and defiled. I felt like a whole new me when I learned that Jesus knows everything about us and still chooses us despite all that and loves us and sees us as clean. I had never thought ANYONE would EVER see me as clean after my teenage years. Let alone the life I led before that.

And, finally, now I get it...God loves me despite this accident and still sees me as His child not as a TBI survivor. This accident and it's aftermath do not define me. Jesus does.

And believe it or not I am actually in a place where I'm glad this accident happened. I see it now as a gift from God and a striking new way for me to be able to introduce people to Him and give Him glory. AWESOME! He has given me this great tool to be able to explain the transformation He did in my heart when I first met him even to people who don't know Him. Everyone can see the transformation that's been done in my body. I was in a coma and then paralyzed and now I can walk and even balance on my previously paralyzed leg. And this is just a taste of what He did in my heart. Wow!

I can't wait to tell pretty much anyone who is willing to listen to me. Thank you, Jesus! Thanks for being who you say you are, loving me, showing me copious amounts of grace, and sticking with me while I figure out the big E on the eye chart. I am so glad I came to know Him!

That pretty much sums it up. Any questions or comments would be much appreciated.

Word vomit at ya later.



  1. Wow, Ang, praise God for such a breakthrough! He is truly amazing and your testimony isn't just for those who don't know Christ. It's for all of us. God has surely used your story to strengthen my faith - and even still. Love you!
    Kim W.

  2. Angela, this accident has given you the power to open doors that no one else can open. Hearts that have been shut to God can be reopened by you. Your story is so inspiring, and imagine what a book, or speaking tour could do to reach the world. You should consider it. Take time to begin to write notes for a book. It was sad when Lance Armstrong was healed in a miraculous way, one that cannot be explained any other way, but instead of using it to bless God, he choose to bless himself. He decided that somehow he had healed himself. This is your chance to use a miracle and speak to the world at large. We love you and know you will continue to do amazing things. Never forget how great it will be to hear those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

  3. Love your post! I am so excited for you getting back to work and getting pursued by God so obviously through the sermon. This has been an encouragement to my day. Thanks for your heart to share.

    Jen Latvala
