Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey there.

Hope all is well. Life is pretty good for me. I finished up my psychotherapy group this afternoon. It was great! I think the coolest part was getting to re-take this self-assessment we took when the class started. When we were done taking it we got to compare it back to the one we took at the beginning of the class. It really showed all the progress I've made in the last 8 weeks. I was up in almost every category. I stayed the same in "irritable and anger" and improved in every other category. "Irritable and angry" asked about feelings that range from being annoyed and exasperated to more intense feelings of anger and range at self and others. The other categories were "self esteem", "depression", "frustrated", "accurate perception of self", "dependence on others", "involvement in meaningful activity", and "coping skills". You were supposed to rate all of them on a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being frequently... and 10 being the best it could be. Pretty enlightening really. And the biggest increase in score was in the "involvement in meaningful activity" subsection. It was asking about participating in past or new recreational, volunteering or work activities that bring satisfaction, socialization, and purpose to life. I think that went up the most because I'm back at work and started serving in the Children's Ministry again at church.

I closed another chapter today too. As of this afternoon I am finished with speech therapy. Hot dog! Didn't see that one coming. But I'm not all that surprised either.

That's about it.

Headed back to work tomorrow. I got the Dragon naturally speaking program and tomorrow I'm going to try to install it and make it work. We'll see how that goes.

Signing off.


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