Monday, June 21, 2010

Wow! This is a whole new trip! I'm actually writing this blog entry with my NaturallySpeaking program at work. No need to be worried, I've already completed my four hours of work for the day. I am not doing this on company time.

Things are going well for me. Had a good weekend filled with potlucks. The multicultural one had a bunch of delicious food, most of it I didn't know what it was, but that's never stopped me from eating anything before. The potluck on Sunday was accompanied by a riveting game of Apples to Apples. What fun!

And today at work I got to try something all new. I went in the lab, was able to get gloves on, and wandered around and checked stuff out. It was sort of like getting reacquainted with where everything is. Went really well if you ask me. None of my coworkers were in the lab so I didn't get to help out with any actual lab work but I think that is coming in the near future. Feel free, Jimmy, to load me up with work. He hee hee.

Tomorrow's a big exciting day as well. I have OT in the morning and then I'm getting to meet up with some friends for lunch at my favorite little restaurant, make that dive bar, in West Seattle. My mom has offered to be super sweet and be the clan babysitter while me and the two mamas enjoy some lunch. Should be a good time.

Don't know if I've mentioned it before or not but along with going back to work I've also been able to go back to yoga. This morning's class was great! Stacie is pretty much my hero. This morning Byron, my left hip, was enjoying himself greatly at yoga class. He was getting more action than he's seen in quite some time. My pectorals were pretty happy too!

I think that's about all I've got. Have a good one.


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