Monday, September 13, 2010


How's it going? Going pretty well here. Had a pretty big darn success this morning. So I thought I might get on and share with y'all.

Anywho, in yoga this morning I made a switch. Rather than trying to be who I used to be and do what I used to be able to do I made the old switch-a-roo and accepted who I am now with a brain injury and stopped dangerously trying to do things the old way. We did pigeon today and I did it on the right side no problemo but when we were supposed to switch and do it on the left I did reverse pigeon instead of regular pigeon. Used to be that I fell into pigeon on the left and really freaked myself out and gave myself a good mind F-you-know-what. I just went forward and did what I could and didn't feel weird about it at all this morning. And, no, don't worry, Josh, this does not mean that I am giving up and accepting that I'll never do pigeon on the left again. It just means that where I'm at right now doesn't agree with pigeon on the left and rather than fighting that and freaking myself out a whole bunch I am adopting a work-around that doesn't scare me at all. And I think that is success! And I opted out of dolphin too. Instead of doing dolphin which really hurts my toes on my left foot I just went for a little downward facing dog. It was great! And I didn't freak out or get really scared or feel stupid or inadequate at all! Yesssssssssss!

And there was further success last night with Josh. We took some time and did some hard work on us. Took lots of energy but we had a really good talk about where we're at and where we're going. And I feel VERY comforted by the outcome! I don't know what I did to merit such an amazing husband but it must've been good! Joshua is one hell of a guy! And so is Jesus for working such amazing miracles in Josh! It is so funny how Josh's actions and attitudes through this whole adventure had to be directly from God. No confusion, downright miraculous the attitude and dedication has had toward me. He is my biggest supporter and pushes me to get as far as I can. He has been SO patient, loving, accepting, dedicated, patient, understanding, compassionate, caring, generous, helpful, encouraging, did I say patient?, and so much more. Thank you, Meow!

And completely non-important in comparison, we got new furniture this weekend too. We braved IKEA and got a new loveseat, chair, and ottoman. And then we got a chest as a coffee table from Pier 1, and some throw pillows from Target. Fantastical! Our couch is finally comfy and that's saying something! If you're in the neighborhood buzz up and if we're home we'll have you up to show you the new living room prizes. Best part is that cats are still afraid of the new stuff. They won't get on the couch or chair as of yet. Oh darn! Or not. I'm sure it's short-lived but I'll enjoy it while it's going on.

That's about all I've got.

Any questions?

Talk at ya later.



  1. That guy (Josh) is a keeper for sure!

  2. I love reading your updates. I was just sent your blog by someone at Mars Hill Church, where I attend. I have been posting updates on the city for prayer. My boyfriend was crossing the street August 28th, 2010 and was hit by a taxi cab. He was visiting his brother in Milwaukee and we are all out here now as he is in a coma and the NICU. I read your entries from recent days and your Mom's at the beginning, this is an amazing miracle and source of comfort to us. Although every situation is different, we are thankful for ones like yours that give us hope. Thank you for your love for Jesus and for being a strong women. You have an amazing husband as well. God Bless you! Thanks for the blog.

    Annie Meade
