Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Morning.

Nothing big to report here. In fact, it's feeling like that more and more. I think I might actually be done trying to keep up the blog. I promise that when there are new biggies I'll post about them but this way I can stop having "did you write on your blog" looming over me and trying to make me feel guilty. I swear, I have enough issues with feeling guilty about this and that, I feel like if there is one that I can kick to the curb I should really do it.

So, farewell. Thanks for keeping up with me. It's been great to have people listening. And commenting.

Josh and I should be starting up neurofeedback at home pretty quick here and with that up to three times a week who knows what we'll see. If there's anything earth shattering, or even mildly interesting, I'll post about it.

That's pretty much all I've got for updates.

Again, thanks for hanging in there with me. This blog was something else when I first started writing on it. Thinking back to then it's really stark how far I've come. And you've all been on that journey with me.

Much love,



  1. Angela, thank you for keeping up this blog for so long! I have really enjoyed reading it and knowing what is going on. You are a true inspiration to me and thank you for sharing so much on here! Way to go Ang!!!

    xoxo Kristine

  2. Angela,

    Thank you for always taking the time to write to us and let us know how you are doing! Thank you for sharing your testimony. When people believe that there is no God, it is because they choose not to look around them. They focus on the bad things in life, missing many, many more good things that happen every day around them. A person who can have a terrible thing happen, as in your case, and still care about others and their walk with God is a miracle. What part of the Big Bang makes us love? What part of it makes us willing to care about others over ourselves? There is no scientific explanation for that. If it were all an accident, then our only need would be to survive and multiply. Everything else would be inconsequential and meaningless. God is using you in a powerful way, so smile...I know that each morning when I see you smile at the fitness center it makes my day.


  3. Angela,
    Thank you for sharing your words, your feelings, your experience. I am very grateful to know you. You and Josh and your network of caring truly inspire me. Looking forward to the biggies that you do post. Keep moving forward!

  4. Angela,

    It is a challenge and an inspiration to witness your daily walk of faith and hard work. You go girl!! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
