Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ang is able to tell us more frequently when she is in pain.   Sometimes she says I HURT ALL OVER, sometimes she says THIS SUCKS.   Her impatience is growing and her actions are decidedly more aggressive.   Now, when she wants the spoon she grabs.   When she wants a hug, she grabs.   She kicks when she wants you to move.   She whines to get your attention.  I asked her why she had "crunchy face" when I came in this morning and she said I HURT. 

Josh and I promised that when she moved from the inactive to the active state, we would be so thankful that we would not complain....we said as she complained, we would just smile knowing where she had been....well, that is coming back to haunt us.   Neither of us is long on patience and man, this takes patience.   

Josh and I were talking...when he said "I DO", he promised in sickness and health, in good times and bad, etc.  and not for one minute did he ever imagine being called on in this manner, this soon in there relationship....they haven't even been married three years yet.   He spends no time in self-pity.  He is always focused on her and on their return to what they had.   He swallows his frustration with the 400th time you have to move her hand away from the tubes or the wires.  He feeds her like a pro, dodging the flailing foot, the slumping over, the turned head at just the wrong moment, the grabbed spoon.    For me it is a sense of deja vu.  For Josh it is a brand new experience.   I always appreciate your prayers for patience as it reminds me that I need to work on that area and it blesses all three of us as we continue on our journey.   Josh likened it to walking to New York and we got to the first corner on our journey.    Thanks for walking with us.

Fortunately Ang's sense of humor pops in unexpectedly.   This morning, as she was eating vanilla yogurt, I asked her what kind it was.   Josh said banana.  I said I only like vanilla.  Ang said, "I like banana too."   For some reason, this makes me laugh out loud.   Yesterday she wasn't eating at all and today she is expressing preferences.   
Well, yet another challenge....she has developed an odd rash on both thighs right before our very eyes this morning.   Now we have everyone running around trying to figure out what was different and why and how to relieve the itching without sedating her so much she can't work with the people assessing her.    Sigh....more patience....