Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The trip to Harborview was very, very smooth albeit LONG.... we left Park West at 5:45 and returned at 1:00am.   Whew.    Ang did fantastically.   She did not get overstimulated but it did take Josh returning to the ER to help maintain her calm.   (WOW, did I appreciate the extra help, encouragement, and calm head.)

All was well.  The arm is fine and not infected but we do get to move the appointment sooner rather than waiting another month.   Please pray that the pins can come out so the wound can heal and she can do therapy with one less bit of pain.

Josh and I were entertained in ER by Angela's "neighbor".   Big signs say you must protect patient confidentiality but hey, there is only a thin drape between the two beds.   He was in ER for a most embarassing event and it provided me with a HUGE amount of his expense!   Fortunately I did not laugh out loud until back in the room and most of today.   Laughter is such a gift.

Upon return to Park West, Ang proceeded to take all her pent up energy and frustration out on me.   We got no sleep and a lot of inappropriate action.   Trust me, I would not qualify for "Mother of the Year".  One flat-handed slap to the face and I was not rationale.    Deep breaths, a short story on being a Mom-wich, tears, prayers, and a few moments of stillness from Angela returned most of my sanity.  So did the quiet little, "I love you Mom" comment.   Please pray this phase passes quickly.  IT HURTS! ! !    

Ang was tired in PT, very angry in OT, and quite the performer in ST.   Too bad the ST guy was very tired after a return trip from the East Coast.   Swallow test scheduled for next Monday.   

The therapists at this facility are AWESOME.   They really know their stuff and are totally engaged in Angela's care and progress.   They include Josh and I in all parts of the action and thus Angela gets the 20-30 minutes from them as well as additional 20-30 minutes from one or both of us thus doubling or tripling her therapy time.   We are lucky to have such supportive, knowledgeable people involved in her recovery.   Plus, they are really fun.   The main PT lady is in her early 30's and all three of the OT people are too.   Today Ang got to put on mascara and curl her eyelashes using that eyelash curler contraption.   She focused quite well and said it made her feel pretty.   What fun ! ! ! 

Shower day again today too.   That is always a highlight and Ang does love the water.   She again commandeered the shower head and kept the spray mostly on herself.

Your cards and notes are much appreciated.   We notice a strong cat theme with some of the most darling cats you can imagine now paper our walls.   Cards are THE BEST.   I do want to invite you to send "Thinking of You" cards so we can help Angela move from "Get Well" to "You Can Do It".   Today she apologized for not getting the answer fast enough.   I think she is her hardest critic and I want to reinforce her natural ability, strong sense of perserverance, and gentle loving kindness for herself.   I will appreciate what you do to help me with this.

We also very much appreciate the food contributions but need to encourage you to make the portions small.   We have no refrigeration and it is a real heart-breaker to have to toss good stuff.   You are so, so generous and we will never be able to remember all the ways we need to thank-you for your participation in Angela's recovery.

