Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ang got plenty of rest last night.  She hit the hay around 6:30 and was snoozing until about midnight.  She fell back to sleep until about 3 and then got a little restless. Ang did a great job of getting herself situated last night as well. 

Speech therapy went well today.  The ST tested Ang on what she could recall from a story that he told her yesterday and she remembered more than 20 of 25 points. Better than I could do!

I swear that I thought I was delirious in the middle of the night when I saw Ang move her left arm at the elbow ever so slightly.  She did it again for the OT therapist this afternoon and we were SO excited.  Her left leg started out with the slightest movement and look at where she is now!  We are very hopeful that her arm will continue to improve after seeing signs of life.

PT was a huge event for Ang today.  Today was focused on walking (minus the cane).  Her left leg is still very week and she kicks it out to the side when she walks.  She still has a hard time not dragging her toe because the muscles in her shin are still catching up.  Teresa and I have a new list of exercises that we are supposed to run through with her daily to mitigate this.  Ang walked from the PT gym to her room, back to the OT gym, and then to her room from the OT gym with minimal assistance.  I think Harborview will work on her gracefulness while Park West is more concerned about the basic mechanics of walking.  Her little leg muscles were completely spent by the end of the day but we have a massage lined up for Sunday.

Ang shared our wedding album with all of the therapists today and really enjoyed sharing that special day with everyone.  As we move along Ang continues to become more herself little by little.  For those of you that have seen the wedding album you know how crazy Ang gets over it!

We also heard more about our trip back to Harborview today.  The PT folks at Park West are amazed by how fast she is gaining her legs back and ST is blown away by her short-term and long-term memory gains.  SO-  It looks like the folks at Park West are shooting for the transition sometime at the end of next week.  They are working very closely with the therapists at Harborview so I think that we will definitely be able to optimize Ang’s time in the inpatient intensive rehab program.

Another follow-up trip to Harborview tomorrow so it should be a hectic morning. 

More tomorrow,
