Saturday, October 10, 2009

Another restful night for Ang last night.  There was a huge transition last night in her behavior during the periods that she wakes up from her sleep in the middle of the night.  Typically she wakes and talks about many things that don’t make sense while her brain is racing.  However, last night every time she woke up she was completely oriented and could communicate as she would have prior to the accident.

Today was another big day for Ang.  We had a short session with PT since she was a bit tired, but Ang visited OT twice today.  She went through her stretching and range of motion exercises early in the morning and then returned later in the day for her electronic stimulation of her left arm.  She is now much more comfortable with the OT therapist.  Her visits are cordial and appropriate. He even lets her control the level of stimulation that she receives and you can tell that she pushes herself.  Two weeks ago she didn’t want anyone to touch her arm due to the pain, but now she asks anyone near her to take her brace off and give her arm a good massage.

It also looks like that Ang may be heading back to Harborview sooner than we thought.  We have heard as early as next Thursday.  The admissions coordinator at Harborview was very impressed with Ang when we saw her yesterday.  This is a bit of a catch-22 for Teresa and I though.  We want to make sure that we can optimize the time that Ang spends at Harborview and therefore are hesitant to jump in with our eyes closed.  For the most part the therapists at Park West have been wonderful and there is still a lot that she can gain from them relative to her recovery.  Ang will most definitely be leaving Park West by the end of the month so she would more than likely be back home by Thanksgiving.  Please pray for discernment on our part that we would move forward in a manner that most benefits Ang.  We don’t want to rush her recovery or place any more pressure on her than there already is.

Ang went for a field trip this afternoon as well.  This was a REALLY big deal. We took her home for a few minutes to see the kitties.  We live on the third floor of our building so we wheeled her onto the ground floor and I walked down with our cat Genghis to visit with her.  She absolutely loved being able to see him and have him in her lap even though he was scared to death to be out of our condo.  She even called me later to say thanks and to let me know how much it meant to her.  Ang knows Seattle like the back of her hand when it comes to getting around.  After talking with Teresa it appears that Angela guided them back to Park West from our house.  (Turn left here, turn right here, etc.)  She also wanted to let me know that they got back to Park West okay (something she would normally do) and that although the ride made her a bit nauseas, she made the trip back without getting sick.  We also passed our church on 35th during the trip.  Ang pointed it out to her mom along the way.

Tomorrow should be a restful day.  No formal therapy sessions for Ang other than what her mom and I work through with her.  Sundays are a great day to visit.  Please feel free to drop by tomorrow and say hello to Ang.  I know that she loves seeing all of the familiar faces.

Keep the Faith -
