(The pic is from our honeymoon in San Fran.)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I didn’t get to see Ang much today. However, she slept well again last night. We are now at a solid week of good sleep at night. She slept from 9 until about 5, at which time she REALLY wanted to call her mom, but I managed to convince her otherwise. Her phone was broken in the accident and I ordered her a new one today (Bright Pink!). So look out! You might get a call from Ang at O’dark-thir ty as they say..
Ang’s morning started with a goodbye visit from her brother and his family. They are back off to Alaska. She had a nice time visiting with him this week. I think they both needed the time together. They will be back down for Christmas so it will be exciting to see all of the new changes by then for everyone. Ang thought it would be really funny to hide her new “fart book” in the bed and sound-off when her brother hit the door this morning. We all got a really good laugh. It’s nice to see that it still doesn’t take much to make my wife happy and drop the maturity level down a couple notches.
I had to run home today and do some actual work for the corporation , so I didn’t get to see Ang much. I finally cleaned the house up a bit after two months of neglect. The swine (how Ang refers to our dirty little kitties) have gone quite feral since the accident. I never imagined two Siamese cats could cause so much destruction!
The house really feels empty without her as I sit and type this update. It is still very difficult to come home. Reminders of her are everywhere. Her pants still hanging on the railing from drying, her boots on the deck, towel in the bathroom… I can’t wait for the day that she gets to come home. Not sure what that will look like, but despite the uncertainty I know that Ang’s homecoming will only facilitate the healing process for us all.
I know that she went through a bunch of brain exercises as we call them with her mom this afternoon. She has been working on a computer program and has been stuck on the first section. She made it through this morning, which is a pretty big deal.
No formal therapy today, but Ang is doing a lot more on her own. She is transitioni ng from her chair to the bed and back as well has helping much more with the daily living activities. The therapists have left us so many exercises to go through with her on a daily basis that there is no way that we can get through them all.
Plea se pray for protection for Ang. She really feels like a burden at the moment and we tell her over and over again that she is a blessing. We almost lost her and every day from here on out is fueled by His grace alone. They all were from the beginning of course, but it takes something as traumatic as this to really drive the point home for someone a little slow on the up-take like myself. She is also very stressed about the transition to Harborview. They require her to participate in 5 X 45min sessions per day. She is already working almost 4 hours a day on top of what her mother and I work on with her. She should have no problem, but it is new and scary for her.
We also have a very important follow-up tomorrow with the TBI clinic at Harborview. Please pray that she gets good rest tonight and that all goes well tomorrow.
I’m off to visit Ang before it gets too late.
(The pic is from our honeymoon in San Fran.)
Unt il tomorrow,