Friday, October 2, 2009

Last night was tough.  More restlessness for Ang.  She did get a good nap in at the start of the day though.  Before bedtime some of the ladies came to Ang’s room for bible study.  She was SO sweet and completely engaged.  After they left she asked me to snuggle with her for a while and watch some tv.  These moments are so wonderful, but they make me miss my wife even more (if that is possible).  

Today was a very big day for Ang.  PT had her up AND WALKING!!  She was using a special cane that has four points of contact on the floor and her left leg was doing what it was supposed to.  It is very weak, but still in good shape considering she hasn’t used it in 6 weeks.  Just as big as walking, Ang made a joke today during PT and everyone including Ang had a good laugh.  The PT lady was holding Ang by the seat of her pants while she was walking.  Ang said, “Either let me sit back down or stop giving me such a wedgie!”  It was really funny.  It was nice to finally see something bring a smile to my wife’s face. God knows she needs it.

OT pushed Ang as well.  They have now begun to work her range of motion more aggressively.  Ang was understanding but it was very painful for her and she definitely let us know.  The OT therapist used electrical stimulation on her hand today as well.  This really did the trick for her left leg so please be in prayer that it has the same results on her hand.

Ang has what is called retrograde amnesia.  She has very little memories of events prior to the accident, period.  Today she remembered what she orders when she goes out for Thai and Japanese food, which was a pretty big deal. Please also be in prayer that her memory returns.  This is especially heartbreaking for me so I can’t imagine how she feels.

You are my heart, Ang.  I miss you.

More to come-
