We tried Reiki. It certainly brought a calming atmosphere to Angela and to the room. While she did not sleep a long time, she certainly was much less restless and more ready to engage in conversatio
We also saw a fair amount of the imp in Angela today. Our OT guy was being brought up to speed on the wedgie comment from yesterday so he asked Angela if she likes jokes...she replied that she did as long as they were funny. He proceeds to tell her that on the pain scale from 1 - 10 a '1' is equivalent to a mosquito bite and a 10 equivalent to a woman having labor. He then asks Angela what an '11' might be. Angela launches into a quite graphic description of a traumatic labor experience - which caught us all off guard and had us laughing (some out of embarassmen
Later during that same session Ted was rubbing her foot (a common request for visitors).
She is hardest on herself (as we all know). Kevin asked her how it was going and she replied, "it feels like I am not doing enough" and burst into tears. Lovely Kevin (terrific dad that he is) just asked her if she wanted a hug. It was wonderful and so touching.
We seem to have turned a corner however and she seems to be quite certain that she is working to get home, to her home, to life with Josh.
Ang tolerated almost two full consecutive hours of therapy today. That is another big milestone and gets us closer to having her ready for in patient therapy at Harborview.
Things keep moving forward, backward, and sometimes sideways but know that each of you that visits, sends flowers, sends a card, calls on the phone, thinks about her, says a prayer, or adds a note to the Bridge adds to the patchwork that is creating the net for Angela to get healthier and return to "normal". A big "shout out" to the Zymogenetic