Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last night was very interesting to say the least. Someone pulled the fire alarm downstairs at about 10:30 last night. It was quite the wake-up call. I headed downstairs to make sure that everything was okay. The firemen from station 11 responded. They were the same guys that responded to Angela's accident. I happened to recognize them from when they visited at the hospital early on. Since Ang was already awake I asked her if it was okay if they came up to visit. She was excited to see them and fill them in on everything that she had been through thus far. She of course made them a promise to drop off some Danish bacon from Husky Deli for them at the station. We had previously talked about coming to visit them at the station, but turns out that God brought them right to our door. They were all extremely thrilled to see her doing so well. The situation was much different the last time that they had seen her.

Today was another busy day. We met with several of the new Rehab Without Walls therapists that will be working with Ang. She seemed to click with all of them so that is another huge blessing. The RWW folks are very flexible so any follow-ups that we have at Harborview shouldn't pose any problems.

Looks like Ang's days will be filled as usual with a few hours of rehab plus whatever homework she gets. She continues to be very driven and pushes herself daily.

Ang is definitely happy to be home. She will be hosting a women's bible study at the house tomorrow evening and heading out for tea with a friend in the morning. Ang has always been a busy-body so she is now learning to turn it down a notch, which is not an easy thing for her.

That left arm of hers continues to improve! We are curious to see what therapies are in store for her after the introductions are over and continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

Ang is fast asleep already so not much else going on tonight. Ang meets her new PT tomorrow so we will see what that brings.

More to come-


1 comment:

  1. That is amazing! What a blessing for both you guys and the firefighters. I bet they were seriously amazed by Ang's progress. What a cool among many from the past few months.

    Ang, Welcome back to da 'hood! I'd love to come by and see you. I'm available most Wednesday afternoons sans the girls. I could bring a meal, help clean, hang out, help with homework, whatever you might need. Lemme know what you think and what date might work for you. I can't wait to see you again!!!!!!

    Kim Williams
    kimmariewilliams at gmail dot com
