Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today was busy! We started the morning by baking muffins to take to breakfast with some friends. Breakfast was a wonderful time. From there, we came back home and met the new physical therapist. We did a lot of assessments so she could see where to start my rehab program. I got to do the steps (mostly stair over stair) to my house two times today. WOW! I did pretty well on the balance test. I get to focus on balance, strength, endurance and eventually speed.

Yesterday I met my new occupational therapist. I really liked her although she plans to pull on my arm a lot. I hope to reach new heights with the extension of my pun intended.

My kitties are slowly adapting to me being home. Genghis is hard up for pets and to get in to the bed whenever possible. Suki is still being stand-offish but she did come downstairs today so we know she is here.

It feels great to be home with ONE BIG challenge. I have to try and remember where everything is and I do not like not knowing. I am working on transition and being patient. Fortunately part of my therapy program is a counselor who helps me learn how to rest. My first assignment is to sit doing nothing for 5 minutes. Sounds easy? You try it!

If you want to send me any cards, please send them to my Mom for the time being. Her address is:

1136 N 91st St. #B
Seattle, WA 98103

More soon,



  1. hey sweet thing! i'm so glad to hear that you are back in your own 'habitat'. :D that must be so nice to sleep in your own bed with the wild animal cats. big hugs!!! -ali

  2. Hi Ang!!!! I'm so happy that you are now back in your own place, what a feeling to be home! Congrats on all your continued improvment, you continue to inspire me, BIG TIME!!!! : )

    I hope that you have enjoyed the "God thinks your wonderful book" and have and an opportunity to listen to the Kari Jobe CD. I continue to pray for your healing and I know God is Faithful to complete the process He has already started. Wishing you all the BEST!!!! Janell Morgan Ndegwa
