Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mom here....

It started out as a quiet kind of day and then we got an idea to try out Mars Hill at the 5pm service so we were off....   it was fantastic to attend church services and sing the songs....   more than one teardrop fell from eyes in this family!   Looking forward to going to other services.  Pastor Mark is just so special and so are the West Seattle pastors.   It was also terrific to meet some of the people that have written to Angela on the Bridge.  You are all so warm and welcoming.   I feel truly blessed.

Looking towards another action packed week.  We anticipate hearing more about a firm discharge date sometime this week and that is exciting and scary all at the same time.   

Today Angela re-created her year, remembering as much as she could for an assignment for her speech therapist.   Fortunately the girl keeps a detailed calendar so she could fill in many events.  I noticed a lot of baby showers, weddings, trips, and events.    It took a lot of typing since the girl is a busy girl! ! ! and only has one hand to type with right now.   Josh and I noticed many items she remembered and then the odd item that she doesn't remember.   Who can forget a West Five BLT?  Angela.   Who can forget Star Wars???  Angela.    Josh thinks it will be fun to re-introduce her to those fine items and any other gaps we find as we move through the therapies.

Well, more soon and hopefully directly from Angela.   Hugs to all, Mom

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