Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Back again. With not much to say.

Got to go to the pool again. And it was awesome - again. And had a new first this time too. This was the first time I've lost track of time since the accident. I just wasn't paying attention to the clock at all and was actually surprised when they kicked us out at 1:30. Kinda cool, I guess. That was the first thing I actually got lost in. What does that say about you, Sharron?!?! Guess you're just mesmerizing. :)

What else? Let's see - both groups are great at UW. I really like both of them. Even if I am the only one that cries at the psychotherapy group. I was just commenting to my speech therapist today how good I think they are. In general and for me in particular. I was also commenting on how it's kinda nice to go somewhere where everyone's brain injured. Kind of like being part of a little club where you'll be accepted no matter what you do or fail to do. Sort of nice in that respect alone.

Anything else? Not really except that I feel like I'm getting better even right this second. I've been doing acupuncture all along but I recently started taking these Chinese herbs. These particular herbs are supposed to help my sense of smell and possibly my hunger (or lack thereof). And for the first time in months I am smelling a familiar smell right now. Cat poop. Can't say I've really missed whiffing this one but hey, at least I can smell it. I think of my gatos just dropped a bomb in the cat box upstairs and it was special. Extra stinky. And not only can I smell it now but I've been able to smell it for the greater than the last five minutes. Whew!

I think that's really all I've got. A definitive lack of questions since the last post. Is anybody even still reading this blog??? If you are I'm sure you have at least one question. Ask away.

Talk at ya soon.



  1. Hi Angie! I still read it!! I laughed at your cat poop story. Well, you can think of nicer things to smell, now that you know your schnozz is working! Getting lost in time is fabulous. Keep up the good work. Um question. What kind of work do you do at the lab? Laurie

  2. Angela, when do you think you will return to work, and will it be full-time, part-time,or other? I think it will really be good for you, but I am not sure what you think about it. :)


  3. I'm still reading and I know a bunch of people at Helix are too - we talk about it regularly. So keep at it!
    Hmmm, a question. How about what does the acronym LIVCA refer to?
    For a serious question, how does your memory feel these days? Is there a big time gap before and after the time of the accident or do you remember right up to then and the gap is only after when you were hurt? It's interesting to read how you're enjoying the group sessions, what do you all talk about that you can share with us? You've mentioned a few things but I'm curious if it's mostly just being around people who know how it feels or if there are specific things you're learning to do differently, etc.

  4. Of course I'm still reading!!!! As far as a question, you haven't talked about cooking much these days, hows that going? How's' Josh and his job going? Hope you guys are still able to have your date nights. Tell Josh & Mom I both said hello! Are you still thinking about the possibility of driving again, soon?
    Hugs, Janell

  5. Still reading! I was wondering if you want people to hang out with during the day, or are you busy with all your stuff and prefer time alone? I live so close and am always up for a chat/coffee/walk.

  6. Forgot to tell you that your post about forgiveness, was amazing a HUGE challenge to the rest of us. I thank God for the continual wok that He does in us, if we are willing and able to let him do it. I guarantee you taking steps towards and forgiving, will affect your healing process in a great way. Keep you the great work, thanks for sharing and thanks for continuing to allow God to use you. You are a light, and a huge inspiration. Janell :)

  7. That's very cool about the herbs. I had no idea that your sense of smell was affected. That's pretty funny about the gatos too!

    Do you think that you and Josh will take any trips this summer?

  8. Hi Angela,

    I'm still reading! I've been out a few days while dealing with/helping with Mom's issues. I have to remember God is with me and not feel alone. I can sympathize with you on the crying issue at the moment. If I think about what's going on with Mom tears just start popping out of my eyes. I have to work hard to stuff it down at work and when I'm with Mom, and let it out later. Anyway, that's a separate issue.

    I'm wondering about your left arm and pool time. Does it feel better while in the pool than out of the pool? Do you have more control of it in the pool than out of the pool?

    Amazing post on 4/25! I feel sort of flattened by your honesty - but in a good and challenging way if that makes sense.

    Hi to your Mom and Josh too. You are all in my prayers.

