Wednesday, July 28, 2010


It has been a great couple of days! We had a pretty laid-back weekend. Lots of rest so that was nice. And now we're onto a whole new fun filled and exciting week.

Monday was a HUGE day for me at work! I pretty much confirmed that I can still do my job. I sampled tanks, fed them, and even added glucose! I sampled for the first time since the accident and it went really well! Then I found a new way to feed the tanks and it worked pretty well too. I used a feed bottle and just balanced it on top of the tank next to the one I was feeding and then let gravity do all the work. Lucky for me it was a feed day when all the tanks needed glucose along with their nutrient feed. I then devised a workaround so I could feed glucose to the tanks with a syringe. It worked really well too! This was a pretty nice surprise since I had previously been pretty worried about no longer being an asset at my job. Pretty worried, who am I lying to, I think it's more accurate to say I was exceptionally worried! But not anymore! Aaaaahhhhh!

And yesterday I got some really good news - I'm actually finally going to get a Bioness system for my left hand. It's supposed to come in the mail sometime tomorrow. I can't wait! The Bioness hand unit is pretty much an e-stim device where you don't have to figure out where to place the pads in order to make it work. It will help me with opening and closing my hand and it will help teach me how to fight the muscle tone. I'm really excited!

Not too much else. So far working six hour days is going okay. I'm supposed to finally get to see my brother today so that should be nice.

Talk at ya later,


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