Monday, August 2, 2010


Things are going pretty well here. Had a great weekend! My sister came and spent the night Friday night. AWESOME!!! She is RAD! I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with her and getting to know her a little bit. Then on Saturday we met up with my brother and his family and had lunch. Got to see my nephew, Angelo, again and boy, is he something else!!! He's talkative as all get out and cute as can be. He'll be one later this month. What a doll!

And I had a really good day at work today too. I got to help Jimmy with some harvests and it went surprisingly well. Turns out the work-around that my OT and I came up with works well to get the smaller tubing off a filter or a hose barb. Yeah! I'm beginning to think I might be able to do everything I could do before - it just might take me a little longer. The whole idea of having my own experiments is not quite so freaky any more. I think I can handle it.

And I did come to a new realization yesterday. I went to my uncle's house in Ballard and had a family dinner. When I got home I was spent! I don't know if it's because I drove myself there and back solo or if I coupled that with hanging out with a crowd. But I had to take a nap last night and when I woke up from it I just went to bed. Crazy! Especially considering it's been quite a while since I've had to nap. But this did hit home that if I get to this it is not an option for me to drive myself to therapy and then drive myself to work. Unless Amgen wants to pay me to sleep. Then it might be a possibility. And I found out one other thing yesterday too - it wasn't distracting for me at all to have songs I knew playing while I drove but I was super distracted by songs I didn't know on the radio. I think it might be that I can tune it out or just let it be background if it's familiar but if I don't know it then I am trying to divide my attention and pay attention to it. Which is not an option if I'm trying to drive. I think this might come up at work too. I can do lab work if something familiar is playing but I don't know if I'll be able to with the radio on playing songs I don't know. We'll see.

So all is well for the most part around here. I've been having little bits of struggle with where I'm at lately but they are relatively fleeting. I go through little bouts of being quasi depressed for a minute because I just imagine that this is what the rest of my life is going to be like. It is never going to be easy or comfortable to walk again, my left arm is never going to go straight again, my arms aren't going to swing when I walk ever again, and my left side muscles are going to feel tight for the rest of my life. These things may be true but who knows. If you can make a minute, I would really appreciate some prayer here. Prayer for continued healing and to rest in knowing that I am in God's hands and He has a plan for me that is best for me. Prayer that I can let Him take the wheel and surrender myself to him would be great. It's just sort of weird and a little disappointing when I picture myself as a sixty or seventy year old woman who still can't put her arm straight or who still doesn't swing her arms when she walks. Just sort of a bummer.

Well, that's where I'm at. Hope y'all are well.

Thanks for keeping up.

And feel free to post any questions you might have. Heck, feel free to post. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone is still reading this. I keep getting feedback from people that they are, but posting here and there wouldn't hurt so I have tangible reminders that this is being read. At least by somebody.

Talk at ya later,



  1. Angela,

    Hang in there! I will pray for you, of course. Have you ever read Lee Strobel's books The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ, and The Case for Creationism? He was an editor for the Chicago Tribune, and he was an atheist. He went out to uncover the truths about the belief in God, Jesus, and creationism. Anyway, the books would mostly just be information for you, since you are already a Christian, but the Case for Faith spends time on talking about why bad things happen to good people, like you.

    He has now made all the books into documentaries, and the movies are really well done. If you rent The Case for Faith and watch it, I think you will benefit from his discussion about how to handle bad things with God's help. Just a thought.

    Hang in there, and know that you have many, many people praying and thinking about you!


  2. I read it! I'm inspired by your strength and tenacity, Angela, even though I've never met you! Keep up the great work...

  3. Always read it! Should comment more often. Boy, I am learning a lot about lab work as well!

  4. Please keep posting updates Ang!!!! I really enjoy hearing about your successes and also about the struggles you are facing.


  5. Reading and praying for you. Thankful for all that you have overcome and blessed to hear your story.

  6. i check the blog every day! ang, thinking about you and praying for you daily. :) -ali

  7. Just so you know, I check your blog 1-2 times a week, which occasionally prompts me to call. Much love to you both, Ted.

  8. You are an inspiration to me, Angela! I read your blog regularly! Praying for you. Teresa

  9. angela dont forget joshs mom and nephew to they all love you sooooo munch spend a little time with them

  10. Hi Angela,

    Did you get the Bioness hand unit yet? If so, how's it going? Do you wear it all the time or only part of the day? Do you think it's helping?
    I read the blog regularly. I keep meaning to get down to C wing again and say hi. Seems like I'm always playing catch up at work these days. I missed alot of work when Mom was sick and still need to take her to doctor's appts, clean out her house (big job) etc. But I'm so thankful she is living in a great place (the HearthStone near Green Lake). It's still a tough transition for her though.

    It makes me smile to know you're in the building though. I'm glad you've been able to find work-arounds for many things.

