Friday, September 4, 2009

The doctors decided Ang is eating recreationally only so she got the feeding tube back.   What a gruesome site watching the tube slide in while she literally swallows it.   YUCK.

Anyway, she is back trying all her techniques to get it out.   Sigh.   I explained to her that once she swallows, she gets to have it out so we shall see if that penetrated.

Joyce came back right as Ang was writing Hi Josh! on the whiteboard.    We all loved the ! mark.   Very emphatic.   We got a matching game that she has to pass before getting into rehab.   Of course she ace'd it immediately but now she has to do it again for the speech lady.   Mom's word counts but they must observe!

Ang wrote her name again when she saw the question:  What is your name?   That is so encouraging.

She really gets the pen going on the whiteboard but all the letters pile one on top of the other so you cannot read the paragraph.   It is great to know she has a lot to say.   

She did more hugs and kisses while also exploring her face, broken arm, and hair.   She could use the washcloth to wipe her own chin.  She used the cloth to 'wash' her hurt arm for the therapists but she still can't sit up on her own.   The therapist says a sense of balance is one of the areas where her head got hurt so that gets extra therapy.   She graduated from having her blood sugar checked multiple times a day so her fingers can rest a bit from that.   All the blood work has to be done in her right arm only because the left arm is still so hurt.   Another sigh....

She is one tough cookie - this girl.   Please keep her in your prayers as she matches fortitude with reality with gumption without making herself too frustrated.   We all know she is hardest on herself.   

Well, she is sleeping at the moment so I best catch some sleep myself in case she is as agitated tonight as she was last night.