The speech lady (Joyce) came in and she is putting her tongue in the wrong place in her mouth. Her tongue has to come out to reach the water and she needs to anticipate swallowing faster ... so, no food today. Joyce taught us how to "help" so at 3:30 today Josh and I tried it. Josh got her to work for 6 out of 7 sips of water. Sometimes she would give a "thumbs up" that she wanted more, sometimes she would just grab his arm and pull it forward.
She is not vocalizing yet BUT... she did the I love you sign to both Josh and me during therapy. She pointed at Josh and me when asked AND.... drum roll please..... she wrote Mom on the paper when given paper and a pen. Was I thrilled! ! ! ! Thank you Semper Fi for the suggestion.... I saved her first writings.
She gets to have a small whiteboard in case she wants to write or play games. We get to start that very soon.